Rachel Renee Russell - Dork Diaries Dork Diaries is a hilarious novel series written and illustrated by Rachel Renee Russell. The first volume was published in 2009 and in mid 2013, the seventh installment—Book 6, since the fourth installment is officially referred as Book 3 ½—was released. The series has achieved commercial success and most of the novels in the series have spent many weeks in New York Times Best Sellers list in the Children’s Series category.

As the title says, the series is a personal diary. Presented in doodles, drawings, and comic strips, it depicts the daily life experience of the owner and writer of the diary, Nikki Maxwell. Nikki is a 14 years old girl who lives a pretty much normal life but being a teenager, life never seems “normal” for her. The series colorfully chronicles how she copes with the things happen in school and at home: her dream of popularity, her crush, and the “disturbance” from her family.............,............,............,............,............,....

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life Book 1
Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life:

Nikki Maxwell has to attend a private middle school called Westchester Country Day and she finds that she does not fit in with the wealthy students. It even gets worse when the locker she gets is right next to Mackenzie Hollister’s locker, the most popular girl in school.

 Pages: 151; File Size: 4.6 MB;

 Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life:

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......................................................................................................................................................................SECOND BOOK:.......................................................................................................................................................

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl Book 2 Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl 
              PDF Pages: 180; File Size: 8.3 MB; 

Nikki has a crush, Brandon Roberts. Her hope of going to Halloween dance with him is shattered when popular Mackenzie  her nemesis, brags that Brandon will be her date for the dance. With nothing to do on the dance night, Nikki decides to join the dance clean-up committee and help out her little sister, Brianna with the ballet class Halloween party. ---------------      ------------- ------ - - - - - - - ------ - ------------- -- ------------ - - - ---------

 Free download Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl PDF eBookHERE
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.....................................................................................................................................................................THIRD BOOK......................................................................................................................................................

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop StarBook 3
Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star

PDF Pages: 164; File Size: 10.5 MB; 

Nikki is in a crisis when her arch nemesis, Mackenzie  holds two facts that might destroy her reputation at school. Mackenzie  of course, threatens Nikki that she will reveal those facts to everyone if Nikki does or says something she doesn't like.

Things get more complicated when a talent competition is announced with a school scholarship as the top prize. Nikki really needs that prize while Mackenzie surely won’t miss such spot for popularity.......................................................................................

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...................................................................................................................................FOURTH BOOK........................................................................................................................

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not so Graceful Ice Princess Book 4 Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not so Graceful Ice Princess PDF Pages: 260; File Size: 35.5 MB;

Nikki finds out that Brandon, her crush, is volunteering to prevent a local animal shelter from being closed. After revealing a surprising secret about Brandon, Nikki is getting more determined to save the animal shelter. Nikki and her best friends, Chloe and Zoey, enter an ice skating competition to raise money. It turns out that Mackenzie wants the spot as the one to save the day and she tries interfering Nikki’s actions......................................................................................................... 

Updated by: Devon bostick...
ratings:10 out of 9.7..
Itunes price: 9.99$ per book 
My Price:NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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